solid growth

美 [ˈsɑːlɪd ɡroʊθ]英 [ˈsɒlɪd ɡrəʊθ]
  • 稳健的增长
solid growthsolid growth
  1. However , a return to solid growth was still not certain in many parts of the world , economists warned .


  2. But they are necessary in order to return to a solid growth path .


  3. East Asia is now most open region in the world , posts solid growth


  4. Vapor - solid growth mechanism of the SiC nano fibers was discussed .


  5. Stable , high-income economy features solid growth , low inflation , and low unemployment .


  6. This phenomenon , due to solid growth in the Australian housing market and rent increased steadily .


  7. The bad side is that such policies are more likely to generate a brief expansion than solid growth .


  8. A minority of countries have maintained solid growth through the year , including China , Japan and India , the three largest .


  9. In their search for areas that may generate solid growth and reliable income , investors are finding emerging markets attractive again .


  10. He has leaded both companies through inception and solid growth which is clear testimony to his successful business background .


  11. Investors had hoped for solid growth in oil demand from China , but it has been weakening there , as well as in the US .


  12. While most see continued solid growth , they expect a slowdown from 6.5 per cent last year to perhaps 5 per cent in 2008 .


  13. Chinese exports and imports rose strongly in January , pointing towards solid growth both in China and abroad at the start of 2013 .


  14. The Asian Development Bank says while Asia will not be immune to the global slowdown , economies in the region will continue to see solid growth in2008 .


  15. After seeing solid growth in its smartphone shipments last year , Huawei appears to be confident it can unseat its rivals .


  16. The bank 's monetary policy committee raised the borrowing cost to2.25 percent in July amid solid growth prospects for the domestic economy and inflation concerns .


  17. In2005 , developing country economies grew by8.2 percent and this solid growth is expected to continue at a7.8 percent , rate in2006 .


  18. In the era of globalization , urbanization , information , with the hierarchy fading , flattening has achieved a more solid growth foundation and opportunity as a new organizational structure .


  19. Solid-pseudopapillary neoplasm of the pancreas is a rare tumor of uncertain histogenesis that is characterized by a cystic and solid growth pattern with pseudopapillary structures .


  20. Expect an update on revenues from Leagues of Legend and solid growth of WeChat games including Dungeon Fighter and Crossfire , and Blade and Soul .


  21. JAN KARLSSON , U.N. ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE Well , at last , it seems as domestic robots are starting to take off . And we see now signs of solid growth in this area .


  22. The company 's shares , which have soared since the recession as it continued to report solid growth , plunged 10 % in June after it reported profit dropped nearly 8 % from a year earlier to $ 549 million , or $ 1.17 a share .


  23. Japanese economic bubble burst in 1,990 . Since then Japan is suffering from a long period of economic depression , but Toyota is keeping solid growth while other companies are struggling . Its total sales and profit rise continuously and it is the top company of Japan each year .


  24. Environmental Kuznets characteristics of municipal solid waste growth in Shanghai city


  25. Transfer characteristics and solid layer growth in a bubble column crystallizer


  26. The euro area registered solid economic growth resulting from strong domestic demand .


  27. But in August and September , many companies reported solid sales growth .


  28. Objective To observe the effects of cancer suppressive factors on solid tumor growth in mice .


  29. This will give Greece time to implement reforms and to resume more solid economic growth .


  30. Corporate balance sheets remain healthy , and we continue to expect solid economic growth across the region .
